
Databases (page 2 of 2)

18 listings found

Cleveland Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Paleontology collection database: This URL connects the user to the museum's Invertebrate Paleontology Department's collection database interface page for online searches.

UF Invertebrate Paleontology Database: On-line, searchable, database of over 2,000,000 specimens in the collection of the Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Fossils in My Back Yard: Explore a geologic map of Iowa, county by county, to see lists and photos of fossils in the collections of the University of Iowa Paleontology Repository.

University of Wyoming Fossil Vertebrates Database: The Department of Geology and Geophysics' searchable database of over 40,000 vertebrate fossil specimens.

NeoMap: Neogene Mammal Mapping Portal: Integrates a Geographic Information System (GIS) with the FAUNMAP (Pliocene through Holocene) and MIOMAP (late Oligocene through Miocene) databases of mammal occurrences. Find all the localities where a certain taxa is known, make maps, and download the data in easy to use formats.

MorphoBank: MorphoBank (supported by the National Science Foundation) is an online database and workspace for evolutionary research, specifically systematics (the science of determining the evolutionary relationships among species). One can think of MorphoBank as two databases in one: one that permits researchers to upload images and affiliate data with those images (labels, species names, etc.) and a second database that allows researchers to upload morphological data and affiliate it with phylogenetic matrices. In both cases, MorphoBank is project-based, meaning a team of researchers can create a project and share the images and associated data exclusively with each other. When a paper associated with the project is published, the researchers can make their data permanently available for view on MorphoBank where it is now archived. Stratigraphy.Net aims to provide free and open access to geoscientific information and data with special emphasis on the disciplines stratigraphy, paleontology and sedimentology.

Chronos: The main objective of this website is to develop a network of databases and visualization and analytical methodologies that broadly deal with chronostratigraphy

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