Welcome to The Paleontology Portal's website generator

The Paleontology Portal's website generator allows you to download a simplified version of The Paleontology Portal website for use in an offline environment such as a classroom, library or exhibition space. Through a series of online forms educators can configure and download an HTML website based upon The Paleontology Portal's Time and Space and Fossil Gallery online exhibits. Your customized site can be uploaded to the web or viewed offline in any modern web browser.

Before you begin, we suggest you take a look at a sample site we have produced using the site generator. We've included all of North America, all geological time periods and all taxonomic groups in the sample. We've also chosen a Paleontology Portal inspired color scheme..

- Click here to see our sample site
- Click here to download a zip archive of our sample site (62.2M)

Customizing and downloading your website is a simple 4 step process.

   Choose the geographic region that interests you

   Choose the time periods and taxonomic groups that interest you

   Choose colors and logo, and provide some text to be used on your site.

   Review, then edit or download your site.

Click here to begin

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